Friday, February 2, 2007

Mail Call

Every day, my grandfather goes out to check the mail. He bring it back, and, though he cannot read English, he opens every piece of mail with a letter opener, speeding up the process for my parents and occupying some time.

Lately, he has taken to calling me downstairs as he opens it, to see if I have any mail.

I usually don't. He usually laughs. Today, the ritual was followed by the remark, "All this mail, and none of it for you, huh?"

I need a penpal.


  1. (raising hand and waving frantically)

    May I, oh may I please? I was just thinking today that I wanted a real penpal, like I used to have when I was younger.

  2. p.s. (note above/below from M.)

  3. that's crazy that you guys were thinking about that at (relativley ) the saem time

    i should stop and go to bed like i put in my post

    but ijust wanted to say that i hate your literary crap
    because its so great
    and compared to mine
    esp this last post i just made

    i think for fun- it would be cool for me to try to post like you for a week instead of my insane free-writing

    -can you guess who?

  4. oh- and i think i really really liked this post because of the adorable story
    the procedure is very very cute

    -same person from above)

  5. You can be my penpal! Now all I need is a permanent address..

    And by the way, Leyla dear, you sound so crazy ;) I actually wasn't sure it was you because usually you're not so incoherent. I'm just going to assume you had a long day.
