Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Boyfriends, Jobs

After what I considered a fairly dismal show of ad campaigns for the last few seasons, I think GAP has finally hit the right note with it's new line of boyfriend trousers. I'm not sure if the khakis themselves are so much different, but the advertisement successfully evokes all the right notions of comfort and cuteness, and they'd most likely fit much better than your boyfriend's actual pants. I want a pair, and not for any good reason.


I start work on Monday. As I failed to give any tangible descriptions of my job in my earlier mentions, I suppose I should attempt to do so now. I will be working at Synergos, the organization for which I interned a couple of years ago. It is an NGO, as I seem to be drawn to that line of work. They have three programs within the organization, and I will be working with the team which is focused on philanthropy. The team is unique in that instead of providing financial advice to philanthropists, they help them find what they're passionate about, network with other philanthropists, and develop new strategies for more effective philanthropists. Since it's an entry-level position, I will do a lot of the coordinating, copywriting, etc.

I'm looking forward to finally starting to work. I've been so bored these past couple of months. And, as I know from past experience, the people and the organization are great, so I think I'll enjoy going to work everyday.

That said, I feel as though I should also be trying to improve my writing skills and perhaps work on some short stories. But my fingers are heavy these days, and even these blog posts feel uncomfortable to write. The words don't come easily, and it feels a little ineloquent. I'm not sure why.

1 comment:

  1. my fingers are heavy these days......... reminds me a saying in tamil which goes

    "chithiramum cai pallakam, senthamilum na pallakam"

    I will leave it to vv to translate.

